Monday, January 23, 2012

Airline Food, Round 1

The airline food was... not as bad as I expected. There is a handy site where users can post pictures and reviews of airline meals called and although it was useful, it was also scary. Some of the meals featured on this site were swordfish and eel. Needless to say, we bought a sandwich, bagel and muffin from Tim's before boarding the plane for 20 hours of travel.

Without further ado, here are the meals!

B's Vegetarian dinner consisted of many salads including a fruit salad, a garden salad, a spring salad and a traditional ice berg and carrot salad. It also came with rice and some sort vegetable chutney (whatever that is) and green beans. B's rating out of 5 is 3.5.

Here is my sundried tomato chicken and roasted potatoes - the potatoes were delicious but the chicken was awfully greeaaazy. The bun was good. As for the green noodles and the offwhite goop with prawn, I couldn't tell ya. Also, Japan Airlines own official drink, Sky Time, is gross.

And here is the most delicious vanilla ice cream I've ever had. It was only this de

licious because B didn't get one, being a "vegetarian" and all.

She settled for cookies that Lil Wayne would be proud to consume:

B's lunch was a cucumber and tomato sandwich which she happily gave to her neighbor who seemed to be really enjoying his.

My lunch was this: I would tell you what it was if I knew. I took it out of the wrapper solely to take this photo which I had to do whilst holding my breath. We then ate our bagels.

This is how the Japanese do goldfish crackers. They aren't satisfied with one fish, they give you the whole aquarium.

As for the second leg of the flight, we slept the entire time. At one point the lady did show me the meals but I was too out of it to really register what they were. I was so out of it that I even turned down a mini haagen daz. You know it's serious when that happens.

Oh, and this is what I ate at the Tokyo airport:

Yum yum yum!


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